About Me

Hello there! Let me tell you a little bit about myself since you're here visiting... 

I am an artist. I've always been an artist. Even as a child, I spent my time in creative pursuits. My favorite medium was watercolors and I spent many years pursuing the life of an artist on the side. Then life happened, if you've ever spent time painting you can imagine how difficult it was to paint with small children around. Instead, I picked up a camera and found a new passion. 

With nearly two decades of practicing this medium, learning the ins and outs of a camera over watercolors and pencils. I'm moving forward. I spend most of my free time outdoors whenever possible, landscape and wildlife have become an integral part of my canvas. The richness of the natural environment is something that I aim to echo within your portraits. I'm always learning new things, even in my free time I head out with my camera, grab a friend, coffee and head off somewhere beautiful. Those friends and models get to be my guinea pigs where I practice new ideas, test out new locations, and build on my skills and develop new techniques to offer.

I love coffee, hiking, camping, reading, pretty much anything crafty or artistic. I have a small zoo at home, so I clearly love animals. I homeschooled both our kids almost all the way through and they're now both in college! I'm a pretty open book so just ask me anything!

ethereal fae waterfalls fairy adventure boudoir

In addition to photographing the natural world around us, what else does a mom take pictures of? What else but their children! In my case, this lead me right into dance photography. Recording her passion within the medium of my own holds a special place in my heart. What better way to share that than by sharing your child's passion in a form that you can admire, even when they're not in the mood for mom's admiration?  

Right now, my favorite past time is planning and shooting women empowerment sessions! Making women feel powerful and beautiful when that's just not what most women feel anymore is pretty inspiring. It doesn't have to be a hyper sexual shoot to reach that goal, but if that's your goal, that's okay too! Right now you can see some of these shoots under my Fine Art Portfolio.

My most recent addition is practicing adding magical elements and epic elements to photography sessions.  They're incredible and an amazing way to take your creative session to the next level.

flower fairy spring fairy wings fantasy empowerment boudior
fantasy realms fairy cosplay ethereal photoshop ai creative